
The report shows the guidelines and the software tool for Metro network design based on the PASSION architecture

The report shows the  industrial-oriented and scientific-oriented dissemination activities of the third + year

The report addresses the conducted experimental validation of the PASSION network prototype

The report is the public progress report 3

The report discusses the integration of all the modules developed in WP3 and WP4 and provide a first set of experimental results.

The report presents the characterization of the realized chips with different functionalities  to understand performance and improve subsequent design for possible performance optimization.

The report presents the the final results of the packaged Tx modules.

The report presents the techno-economic analysis and the PASSION vision on future agile high-capacity optical metro networks.

The report addresses the concept approached for the control and management of the network systems defined in WP2, whose key modules/devices will be developed in WP3 and WP4.

The report shows the initial integration results coming from the first prototype combining the VCSEL and drivers on a single submodule

The report provides details on the hybrid integration of SiPh and InP material platform  exploited for the first time for switching circuit concepts

The report provides the details on the design of the programmable nodes and modular transceiver architectures; the programmable parameters of the system are also identified

The report provides the test report on measurement results of the second generation PASSION chips

The report provides the overall network architecture and control aspects definition including specifications and the overall architecture framework of the project considering the requirements defined in D2.1

The report provides the project advancements obtained in the second-year, evidencing overall objectives, with attention to the work performed and to main results achieved so far

The report illustrates the second year industrial-oriented and scientific-oriented dissemination activities

The report describes the design of epitaxially grown layer stacks for realization of arrays of polarization independent optical amplifiers on InP.

The report describes multicasting switches including spectrum slicing and space switching which will be adopted for compact circuitry on SiPh to be combined to InP amplifiers.

The report describes the design, and packaging activities of a low power consumption agile WSS.

The report provides the processes and methods developed to target the PASSION requirements for VCSELs

The report provides a description of the design, fabrication and testing of the co-integration of VCSELs with passive SiPh PCIs developed in the project

The report provides a description of the implementation, integration and demonstration plans to be performed during the project

The report provides a public summary about the design of the Silicon-On-Insulator Photonics Integrated Chips and of the 2-Tb/s transmitter Module architecture

The report provides a public summary about the development strategy of the coherent receiver module

The report provides the project advancements obtained in the first-year, evidencing overall objectives, with attention to the work performed and to main results achieved so far

The report illustrates the first year industrial-oriented and scientific-oriented dissemination activities

The report provides the definition of use cases selected according to the project vision
and the extraction of the necessary network and systems/sub-systems requirements

The report provides a description of the selection and of the first characterization of the electronic drivers for the VCSEL source modulation

The report gives an overview on the main PASSION dissemination materials, namely videos, flyer and roll-up

The report describes PASSION Data management plan

The report presents the initial dissemination plan for PASSION, addressing both scientific and industrial perspectives

Public summary on the design of the tx module architecture and interfaces: module design, assembly strategy and opto-electrical interfaces

The switching node architecture proposed in the PASSION project is explained with special emphasis on Circuitry and technology matching to the path functionality in the optical node

Report on PASSION website development

The reader will be provided with the most relevant information regarding the project objectives, expected results, vision and approaches

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